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What is an Enterprise Electronic Archive?

Enterprise electronic archive (EEA) is a system that allows companies to keep track of, store, and present information in digital format. This system eliminates the need to keep physical documents and lets businesses to keep track of consumer information and contracts that would otherwise be lost or damaged when stored on paper. This kind of system is essential for large enterprises which handle large amounts of data and require archives.

The need for a specialist enterprise information archiving solution is increasing due to the rapid growth of unstructured information derived from instant messaging, email databases, social media, web, and mobile communication files along with sharing of synchronization files. This makes the need for an exclusive data archiving platform and solution essential to ensure that organizations are in compliance with state and federal data regulations as well as maintain their data retention policies while supporting legal and human resources departments through internal investigations or eDiscovery.

An enterprise-wide electronic archive that is specialized will reduce the risks, costs and time that IT departments on administrative tasks. This will allow IT professionals the opportunity to focus on business-critical, strategic initiatives and enhance the performance of the organization by increasing access to data and speeding searches.

If, for instance, the company is under contract with a vendor and would like to review the contract’s terms prior to renewing the contract, they can use the archive system to access the contract. This will save time that would otherwise be spent looking through files and asking other employees to share information about their files. Digital archives can also eliminate the need to keep physical documents and allow companies to reduce their daily consumption of paper.

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