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The Benefits of a Virtual Deal Space

A virtual deal room is a web-based portal that eliminates the need for multiple emails or documents on the hard drive. The buying committee can instead participate in an online meeting with just one click. They can talk about objectives as well as objections and then consume useful content. They can also message the sales rep in case they have any questions. As a result, sales reps can move deals through the deal process more quickly and efficiently.

You can also speed up the process of reviewing and signing contracts by embedding a contract review form in your online meeting. This information is sent directly to your CRM, so that your finance team can better reconcile commissions.

Private equity firms typically utilize VDR solutions to manage their M&A contracts as well as sensitive documentation. They can upload documents and collaborate with buyers, investors and other stakeholders by adjusting permission settings. With the features of retention and disposal they can also save their documents safely and adhere with regulations like FINRA and SOX.

Real estate firms and developers of immovable properties are also businesses that benefit from VDRs because they have to exchange massive volumes of documents with other parties. By hosting these crucial documents in a digital sales room, they can accelerate the closing and due diligence processes and avoid costly delays. They can also improve their customer experience by leveraging VDRs to host interactive floorplans and 3D models of buildings. This is a powerful way to help buyers visualize the project and make an informed choice.

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