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Secure Email For Exchanging Confidential Documents

Email is a simple and effective method of communication with clients, colleagues as well as other business associates. However, when it comes to exchanging confidential information via email, security concerns arise. Emails can be easily intercepted, or forward by the wrong people and it becomes difficult to secure confidential information and preserve confidentiality. This could expose a business to a variety of risks, including reputational and legal damage.

The level of security you get from your email depends on the email service provider you use and how closely you adhere to the latest cybersecurity best practices. Certain services, like Gmail and Office 365 provide built-in encrypted emails and attachments. Other services, like Proton Mail offer a peer-to-peer encryption solution to keep your messages private and secure.

Another method to secure emails is to use the password-protected documents. This means that the person receiving the email will need to open a link within the email and enter a password to read the contents of the email. It’s a good idea to share this password using a secure communication channel such as text messages or phone call so that the recipient is aware that they have the password before they open the email.

Another alternative is to utilize an application for document workflow that will allow you to securely create documents, collaborate on, and share email for exchanging confidential documents confidential documents. PandaDoc is a great example of a tool that is easy to use but also secure, allowing you to erase sensitive information from documents, emails and PDFs.

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